Friday, February 13, 2004

And they're off!

Back to the 2004 Presidential race. Bush has decided that Kerry has already won (as has most of the media and everyone but Howard Dean and John Edwards die hards), so he decided to put out his first direct attack ad (or first ad) that named just one candidate, instead of "Angry Democrats" [aka Howard Dean].

The ad, of course, is online so that he won't have to put his mug on there and say, "My name is George W Bush, and I support this message because..." Don't ask me what his reason for slandering Kerry is, oh wait, "...I want to be re-elected." True, I have made charges of hypocrisy on Kerry's part for starting this message. Here's the solution as I see it: Fire Bob Shrum.

That way, you kill the messenger of this lame message that flopped for Al "the people vs. the powerful" Gore and you make Harold Ickles Jr. happy and that is good for Kerry because he controls about $100 Million that he will spend against Bush between now and the official nomination.

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