Thursday, May 12, 2005

searching for nonpartisanship

and I think I found a moment of humanity: Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) walked into House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)'s weekly press conference to return her shoe she lost during the plane scare the other day.
Note: these aren't the actual shoes.

Reichert even knelt down to give the lady her pink leather sling-back pumps "I'm proud to be here, and proud to present you with your shoe," he said. From what I know, this freshman congressman seems like a good guy: he caught the Green River killer as the sheriff of King County, the county which includes Seattle. I wish I had the picture.
"A moment of community," Pelosi said to laughter from assembled reporters, one of whom remarked, "There's a fairy tale about this."

Pelosi lost her shoes when Capitol police officers literally lifted her out of them to hustle her to safety during the evacuation, which was caused by a small plane that mistakenly strayed off course.

"I said I'm losing my shoe and they said that's too bad, just keep going," Pelosi said.

The shoe found its way to Reichert when it flipped up in front of him as he ran down a crowded stairway on his way out of the Capitol.

"It had bounced. I just grabbed it," Reichert said.

The congressman then tried to find its owner in the crowd that had evacuated the Capitol, looking for women clad in pink.

"I searched diligently ... there were several women I came up to," he said.
What a gentleman; his wife noticed the wire stories about Pelosi and pointed him to the Minority Leader.

"It certainly points out the fact that in times of urgency and emergency, we do come together," Reichert said. Thank goodness there are still some level of decencey in the capital and Members can see each other as human beings and collegues still, and not just the charactures they draw of the other side.

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