Thursday, October 28, 2004

86 years in the making

8 straight postseason wins. This Red Sox team woke up and destroyed their competition with their amazing pitching and timely hitting. My MVP is Keith Foulke, who allowed 2 hits and zero runs during the entire postseason. What a stud. I hope not too many people were injured, arrested or killed by the rioting last night. I am so happy for Boston and New England right now. It's good to root for the looser because it feels so sweet when they pull off the biggest upset in sports history; from cursed to first.

Now on to the morning roupup of political news:

An ABC/Washington Post tracking poll shows Kerry leading for a third day, 49%-48% among LVs, with Ralph Nader at 1%. The Washington Post version shows the same results.

A Strategic Vision (R) poll in NJ shows the state tied at 44%. This is the second poll in two days to show the state deadlocked. Is NJ just attention starved or is it the state party's corruption? I say, call in Bruce Almighty.

A Los Angeles Times poll in PA shows Kerry and Bush tied at 48%. A Zogby International tracking poll in PA shows Kerry leading 49%-46%. I still think Kerry is going to win PA with a couple point margin.

A Zogby International tracking poll in MN shows Kerry leading 47%-44%. A Strategic Vision (R) poll in the same state shows Bush leading 49%-47%. Remember if a partisan poll has their guy up by only 2, and a neutral poll has him down by three, the more likely thing is that he is down by 2-3.

ABC's Brian Ross and other ABC staffers told the Washington Post "that a Bush administration official leaked" the terror tape story to Matt Drudge "as a way of pressuring the network into airing the tape, which would heighten concerns about terrorism" Nice try guys. Turns out, the CIA can't verify the tape. Happy Halloween, Bush Administration (I know they love a good scare).

Some GOPers are classy winners or losers. But the KY GOP party and the campaign of endanged (due to his own bad moves) Senator Bunning aren't classy. The headline of Lexington Herald-Leader: "Manhood questioned in Senate campaign" -- on one KY GOP pol is calling Dr. Dan Mongiardo (D), Bunning's oposition "limp-wristed" and another questioning whether "the word 'man' applies to him. I will make sure I question the sexuality of the other side when I blow a 12 point lead. This seat is ripe for pickup against the mentally unstable hall of fame pitcher turned senator.

And I really shouldn't joke about how fanatical strong Bush supporters are. Stacey Silveira, who says she was beaten and held hostage with a screwdriver for telling her boyfriend she wanted to vote for Kerry told the Palm Beach Post that "He's crazy about Bush." No Stacey, he's just crazy.

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