Monday, October 20, 2003

Mom and Dad got your back

Why is there all this Bush 41 revivalism? First there is a CNN documentary on his WWII heroics (which I am sure they were), and how Babs is going around on the talk shows plugging her memoirs.

I guess they forgot that they lost big time in '92. Or maybe they forget since Bush 43 is trying to make his time in office the second term his Dad never had. As Yogi Berra once famously said, "Its deja-vu all over again"

In 2000, people were tired of Clinton and his 'is' is mentality and they were sick of the 90s, with all it is corporate love fest and technology is the answer and the NewEconomy lies. They saw Bush as a flash back to some good old days that were never that good; but I guess Bush recessions seem not so bad when things are so good.

Another question, why can't 43 defend himself against the nine 'dwarfs' running against him? Why do Mom and Dad have to come to his defense, like 41 did when Clinton attacked then Gov. Bush in 2000, saying "I will tell the world what I think of him [Clinton] as a human being." Gee, I am sure that story would have been filled with superlatives.

I thought Americans had a revolution to rid themselves of classes and ruling elites and inherited titles. Maybe I have just been spacing out in my American History classes. You tell me.

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