Monday, May 23, 2005

Bulworth=McCain 2000

Was it just me, or did that movie really seem like the blueprint for the senior senator from Arizona? I mean, other than the whole rapping/black thing, I think it is basically what Weaver advocated.

The whole "I'm a reformed corrupt politican who is going to tell it like it is" really works well. I am not saying that McCain took out an insurance policy on his life or said things nearly as inflamatory as fictious Sen. Bulworth (R-CA) but the whole similarity thing was striking.

I am thinking of this because Warren Betty seems to think that if Arnold can do it, why can't he? After all he played a politican in a movie. "I'm an opponent of (Schwarzenegger's) muscle-bound conservatism with longer experience in politics than he has" Betty told Reuters.

As an aside, I love that song "Ghetto Superstar" from the soundtrack.

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