Tuesday, January 31, 2006

orwellian traditional media

If say a lie enough times, does it become true? Hamas' victory was a surprise. Bush is popular. Bush is winning the political battle on warrantless domestic spying. Democrats are divided. Democrats are weak on defense. Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman are the ones Democrats should listen to. DeLay is just a conservative guy, and everyone does it. Both parties have their hand in the Abramoff cookie jar.

Most bloggers say this is the right wing talking points trumping reality and the the media is buying them out of fear of being labled "liberal."

But in reality, it is the only propetual motion machine. I think the media have been conditioned to think this way, and when conservatives say it, well that's nice too for the media.

It is the media that are living in fear asking permission for what they should cover and how they should cover it.

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