Tuesday, July 08, 2008

more fishiness?

On the day that Rep. Mark Walker's resignation conveniently mooted the total solar eclipse that is an ethics committee investigation by the legislature, something else caught my eye. In Iron County, the county which is the birth place of the Matheson clan, one precinct had strangely low turnout, another very high turnout.
Commissioners say the turnout was among the lowest recorded in county history.
According to the county, only about 4 percent voted in Cedar City's Precinct 7. Areas outside the city had a much higher rate of participation. Modena had 50 percent turnout with 15 of the 30 registered voters casting ballots in the June 24 primary. That topped the county.
Cedar City's Precinct 19 has the most registered voters, but only 12.79 percent went to the polls.
Now you might chalk that up to an odd coincidence. But when you put that into context with the massive vote fraud in Daggett County (and the ensuing cover up), ones tin foil hat begins to beckon.

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