Saturday, August 02, 2008

Shouting into the void?

(Talking to the multitudes at Utah State)

When a politician pounds a podium when the cameras are turned off, did it make a difference?
he House officially adjourned, Rep. Rob Bishop scuttled back to his rented Washington apartment Friday afternoon to finish laundry and prepare for his trip back to Utah for the August break.
He didn't get too far.
Called back to the floor by colleagues, the Utah Republican, wearing flip-flops, khaki cargo shorts and a collared shirt, joined other Republicans on the darkened House floor for rotating speeches pleading with the Democratic leadership to return to session.
The C-SPAN cameras were off and the television lights shuttered, but that didn't stop Bishop and about 40 cohorts from complaining that the Democrats had skipped town without offering any help to an American public suffering from high gasline prices.
Rep. Bishop is willing to do pretty much anything for his party, including showing up the House floor in attire unfit for a country club rambling on to no one.

However, on Friday afternoon, Obama expressed a willingness to consider offshore drilling if Republicans would vote for increased fuel standards etc. I am sure Bishop and his colleagues believe Obama caved (as do I) and they will therefore be even less willing to compromise with Democrats on their ideas--solar, wind, fuel standards, efficient appliances/windows/doors, etc.

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