Saturday, May 23, 2009

The tortured debate about torture has grown stale and tiresome. It is pretty obvious from the evidence that it does not work in the sense that you don't get reliable information from torturing people, just like it is obvious that there are US prisons that can handle the actual guilty people from Gitmo. Yet emotionally, it seems that torture is somehow justified and must work (just ask Jack Bauer)...and that it is scary to think of inviting Al Qeada onto American soil even if it is a supermax in the hinterland. Thanks to Dick Cheney, torture is now something like abortion, where you have an opinion and no one can seem to sway you and the other side must be not just wrong but immoral.


ProfessorWoland said...


derekstaff said...

Yet emotionally, it seems that torture is somehow justified and must workI think that, for all their rationalizations, this is precisely the reason torture advocates hold their position. It ultimately has nothing to do with whether or not torture is effective and makes the nation safer. "Bad" people simply deserve to be treated badly. They don't deserve to be treated well, even if positive treatment is shown in practice to be more effective in extracting information.