Thursday, November 06, 2003

Strong willed, or just an Asshole?

Dean: "When people get in my face, I tend to get in theirs. Al Sharpton was in my face last night and I was not going to step one step, half a step, backwards, and I don't care who's in my face. I tend to be reflective rather later than sooner. Now, unfortunately, we know that nobody's personality is perfect. So the things that make me a strong candidate are also my Achilles heel." More Dean: "You can blame the media or blame my opponents, but the fact is, I've got to own my own words. And that's what I decided at about 3 o'clock this morning."

So, he apologized today, to squall the noise that this foot-in-mouth disease caused. The question is not whether he is racist or loves the confederate flag. The issue is whether Democrats, and Americans in general for that matter, want this man to represent the party and country.

This is a man who speaks first, asks questions later. A man who can't stand to be attacked, yet seems to think it isn't ok to attack him. A man whose first instinct is to deny he is wrong and to attack the questioner. A man who is loves to taut what he did as Governor of a puny small, rural and overwhelming white state in New England , yet won't let anyone actually read his records because they are sealed for decades. A man who spent Vietnam on a draft deferment for a "bad back" by skiing with buddies in Aspen while people like Kerry and Clark where getting their silver stars in combat. A man borne into a extremely wealthy family and named after his rich father, and went to Yale, and had a drinking problem. A man who is push polling his own supporters to avoid spending limits/matching funds now that he is awash with money (where before he was opposed to doing so when he was a nobody). If I changed a few minor details like about his state VT to TX, I think you would rightly conclude the man in question was Bush. So much for calling people "Bush-lite" huh Doctor Dean?

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