Friday, January 23, 2004

Can you do me a Favor?

In IA, the indicator that people ignored that foretold Kerry and Edwards' raise (and Dean and Gephardt's fall) was favorable/unfavorable ratings of the candidates, and how much more negative Dean was viewed towards the end.

Check out, then ARG's favorability ratings on the NH race, and see if you agree with me that Dean can't get second place: "Howard Dean's favorable is now at 31%, his unfavorable is 42%, and 27% are aware of Dean but undecided. Yesterday, Dean's favorable was 33%, his unfavorable was 30%, and 37% were undecided. Of the 31% with a favorable opinion of Dean, 28% say they will vote for Dean and 32% say they will vote for John Kerry.

Kerry's favorable is 77%, his unfavorable is 14%, and 9% are undecided. Wesley Clark's favorable is 49%, his unfavorable is 19%, and 32% are undecided. John Edward's favorable is 56%, his unfavorable is 14%, and 30% are undecided. Joe Lieberman's favorable is 49%, his unfavorable is 30%, and 21% are undecided. "

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