Monday, April 26, 2004

Taking it

Kerry's team has decided to let Bush blow $50-60 Million these past two months against them in TV ads while camp Kerry mostly travels around quietly raising money ($50M or so).

The ads Johnny's put out are alright, but not nearly as inspiring as his primary ads that were done Pre-Shrum muscle flex (he pushed out the guy that did those ads). Why do campaigns keep hiring this idiot. If I hear one more rich-ass white man talking about the people and the special interests who he trains, I will vomit.

Still, although Kerry is now seen in a less positive light than February, it was inevitable that Bush et al would take him down some notches and make him look wishy-washy, because he is.

But this brings me to the site of the day

John Kerry Is A Douche Bag But I'm Voting For Him This is the ultimate ABB-BKOK (Anybody But Bush, But Kerry's OK) not a glowing endorsement but I think Kerry will be thousands of times better than Bush.

I also think, that Kerry showed some real guts on the Environment, specifically CAFE standards. (We will see if UAW/Michigan will get make him flop on that too).

I just wish he would stop sending me e-mail messages asking for money. I know he needs it but I am going to give my tiny sum when he really needs it-- the fall. That way, he will get matching funds for my contribution too.

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