Saturday, May 22, 2004


Dear loyal readers,

The photos that were up on the site yesterday were of my right ring finger, which I injured playing basketball in Cambridge with a college friend and his friend from High School along with three other random people.

Yes I know, woe is my precious, beautiful digits that faithfully write you my thoughts every weekday (well almost). The point of the previous pictures was to illustrate the damage I did to my finger (just a nasty bruise).

One never appreciates how much an item is needed or used until one cannot use it. That is, it hurts to type, hold on to the bar on the T, and lots of other things. Same thing with the Congress and the Presidency, you forget how important and powerful those positions are until they fall into the wrong hands.

Now we are blessed with a bottomless pit occupation and an angry region posed to attempt acts of terrorism against us, a exploding national debt (posed to burden my generation and my children's generation with higher car and house payments), more polluted land, air and water, higher gasoline prices, higher long-term unemployment, more crumbling schools, exploding health insurance costs, etc.

That's why we need to be like these people and vote in droves.

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