Friday, March 25, 2005

DKos doesn't get Utah and Schaivo consequences

The headline is "DeLay and Schiavo: How's it Playing in Utah?" and cites a Salt Lake Tribune Op-Ed.

While the Trib has recently decided to kiss up to the right wing, they have always prided themselves as Utah's First Independent Newspaper. Despite their resent court battles regarding ownership, it still is true that they are not owned by the LDS church, unlike the Deseret News. If the Des News had condemned DeLay, I would sit up and notice. Still good for the Trib to stick to principles.

Speaking of principles, Schaivo has completely backfired for the GOP except those trying to run for president and want to appease the powerbrokers in the GOP primary (especially in SC) because everyone saw it as a political move and not principles.

So Frist looked like a fool as did the rest of Congress, but the biggest loser in all this is Bush. Not because he signed that unconstitutional law, but because for the past two weeks the media have covered this non-stop and no one is talking about social security. If he hadn't lost already, it is deader than dead now. Plus, I love how he took vacation while Cheney still went through the motions around the country.

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