Saturday, March 26, 2005

PFA fires back

Remember how I said Social Security Reform is dead? Well the anti-tax/pro-business wing of GOP isn't giving up as easily as say, Bill Frist. PFA (for progress for America) a 527 that the GOP launched to boost Bush last fall, have put up ads on CNN (and possibly others, but this is the one I saw) giving viewers ten seconds to name the reform proposals of the Democrats and then saying the Democrats have no solution they are only blocking progress.

Actually, in those 10 seconds I was able to rattle off a few things that Democrats have proposed: removing or raising the ceiling on Social Security payroll taxes, making "personal accounts" on top of social security, a combo of both, linking benefits to need (aka cutting benefits for those seniors who are wealthy pre-Social Security benefits)... So basically, if you are informed, this message doesn't stick, but then again, when you are informed, no spin works on you.

Even if you haven't been paying attention and agree with the ads sentiment--that Democrats are just saying no and have no solutions-- most people think that is a good idea. The vast majority of Americans like social security and see a problem down the road, but no immediate crisis. No bit of slandering the AARP or Democrats will change that.

Why would Congress listen to Bush these days anyway, his approval rating is a stellar 43 percent. I think Americans are having some buyers remorse (but they still aren't sad they didn't buy Kerry). Hopefully, this administration will go the way of their idols, the Nixon Administration, and be forced to resign in shame soon. The parallels are starting to emerge.

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