Tuesday, October 28, 2003

General Election Sources

Remember how last Thursday I had talked about African-American voter suppression attempts in Kentucky by the state GOP and how they had claimed that poll watcher placements were random? And how I doubted it? Josh Marshall once again finds a way to prove me right and good contradicting info, such as this flyer. If you are reading it and wondering what the ABC offices are, they are not the network but are the offices of the Associated Builders and Contractors, AKA a corporate trade group of the construction industry.

"A spokesman for the Fletcher campaign, Wes Irvin, tells me that Congressman Fletcher did attend a board meeting of the Executive Board of the ABC on the morning in question. But this, said Irvin, was a normal campaign outreach meeting to a group of political supporters and was unrelated to any issues about voting or ballot integrity. " yeah right....

"The flyer is signed by Mike Czerwonka, a Republican activist from Louisville. In the flyer he says he has been 'asked by the Fletcher Campaign for Governor to serve in the capacity of insuring the integrity of the election process' in portions of Louisville, and that Fletcher, the Republican candidate for governor, would himself be attending the meeting, " said Marshall. Of course, Flechter said, "who?" and pretended that he didn't talk to them. Either way, their tactics are shameful if not illegal.

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