Monday, October 27, 2003

Irony Alert

It seems one of the biggest fans of the War in Iraq, a guy who had claimed it was connected to the War on Terrorism, that Iraqis would welcome us with open arms, that we would be in and out rapidly, was nearly killed when a large bomb went off near his Al Rashid Hotel.

Paul Wolfowitz was not harmed, thankfully, but senior military officials were, and today there was another attack in Iraq. This time, 30-40 people were killed because some terrorist struck a Red Cross building. Pretty sick stuff. It just goes to show that Iraq is probably the most dangerous place to live in these days (or at least in the area between Trikrit and Baghdad) and it is now a hot bed of terrorism.

I had wanted to talk about the presidential Debate in Detroit last night, but our national security and global insecurity is vastly more important than how many pot shots Lieberman got in or how many cute phrases Gephardt has (10 and 3).

This war and its aftermath have DISASTER written all over it. How could so many people be mistaken about the weapons of mass destruction? How could the Bush administration be so brazen as to lie about evidence to rush to a optional war? How they be in such a hurry that they failed to do realistic planning or let experts do their jobs, instead of giving the entire gig to the Pentagon? How could Congress bend over in the shower with Bush and reach for the proverbial oap and then say thank you afterwards?

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