Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Cinco de Mayo

Despite what corporate raiders want you to think, it is not yet another excuse to drink tequila or Mexican Beers (sorry Corona). Its too bad that all our holidays are becoming so Hallmark-ed that people don't even know what they really stand for anymore. Like Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus, not marshmallow bunnies and Cadberry Eggs. St. Valentine's Day is another wired one, but you know the story. But I bet you didn't know the one for Cinco de Mayo.

I always thought it was Mexico's independence day from Spain, but really it is about defeating the French (Napoleon III particularly) with some help from US troops along the Texas border in 1862. But Mexicans know how to party and have been pretty thankful since to the US, helping make up a large chunck of our Armed Forces, and jumping at the chance to join after Pearl Harbor (and I bet after 9/11).

Mexicans, well actually all immigrants, really impress me. The move to a foreign country, where many people openly discriminate against them, get stuck in crappy, dead-end low-wage jobs. Yet they still manage to send lots of money back home to their families and loved ones. Theirs is an amazing sacrifice and testament to what America is supposed to all about.

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