Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Picture of the Day

In this picture George W. Bush is attempting to read Americans' minds, and change them (if they are against him).

And you thought he wasn't that clever. Oh, according to the LA Times, nearly $1 billion could be spent on this 2004 White House race. $300 million or so has already been raised by Kerry and Bush alone (of course $180 million of that is Bush). Thanks Wonkette!

Also, so a plug for my old job trying to do a blog (without comments, of course; just like Bush, they don't like to not have control of content) on Education. The DLC/PPI is very-pro-charter schools (so don't expect unbiased reporting) but they read all those boring education studies for you, as Mickey Kaus said, so it is nice on that end.

Have a jolly good day folks!

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