Thursday, June 09, 2005

The most unbelievable lie of the day

CoinGate: the scandal the keeps on ticking in Ohio. For those who do't know what is going on, GOP appointees invested state pensions and other taxpayer money into rare coins and other memorabilia which "just so happened" to be owned by a major campaign contributor to OH and and National GOPers (including Bush/Cheney 2004). Of course, the coins lost lots of money, and President Taft's great-grandson looks like he is done with politics, whether he wants to be or not.

"'For the second time in two weeks' a memo surfaced that contradicts when Gov. Bob Taft's (R) office said they learned about investment losses at the OH Bureau of Worker's Compensation. Ex-bureau admini. James Conrad (who recently resigned) had informed the GOV office in a 10/26 memo that the loss was as much as $225M. Taft exec. ass't for business and industry James Samuel 'recalls receiving the memo...but said he did not forward it to Taft,' but Taft spokesperson James Rickel 'couldn't say why.' Taft 'didn't learn the full details' until 6/6. 'The governor is 'disappointed' that Samuel didn't share the memo' and plans to create a 'special liaison' to the bureau to 'inform him of day-to-day issues.'" (Niquette/Hallett, Columbus Dispatch, 6/9).

Great! So they will waste more taxpayer money and get another politcal appointment out of a sham job to continue the lie that the governor had no idea what was going on.

This story is great because Mr. Noe (the coin collector/fundraiser/contributor) has lots of connections to 2006 OH Gov candidates like Secretary of State Ken "conflict of interest" Blackwell (R), who was at the center of the Ohio recount that never was. The Toledo Blade has been leading the pack on this story from the get go, but the Dispatch is a more influential paper. Here's the Blade's version of the story.

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