Thursday, May 04, 2006

hello kettle, it's me, Dick Cheney

Vice President Dick Cheney today said that "the government has unfairly and improperly restricted the rights of her people" and that other "counterproductive" actions could "begin to affect relations with other countries." "No legitimate purpose is served," Mr. Cheney said, to the use of oil and gas as foreign policy weapons, he added. No, he wasn't talking about the United States silly, he was talking smack to Russia. What ever gave you the idea he was talking about his own administration?

Next thing you know, he will go to China and critize them for torturing people.

The moral high ground to critize countries for their lack of democracy, protections for minorities, human rights, foreign policy, abiding by international treaties and laws, energy policy, and torture was all washed away by the Cheney Administration.

How did these clowns get into office? Well this might be an answer: A TV Guide poll finds that 35% of American Idol viewers believe their votes count as much or more than voting in a U.S presidential election.

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