Friday, May 05, 2006

Porter Goss and Hookergate

UPDATE: The Center for American Progress has much more details on the links between ex-Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-jail) and Goss. A sudden, unexpected resignation on a Friday afternoon smacks as being part of a bad news dump.
a href="">BREAKING: Porter Goss Resigns as CIA Chief:

"Breaking news being reported by MSNBC: they have confirmed that Porter Goss has resigned as Director of CIA. Rumor has it that Francis Townsend may be the President’s new nominee for the position. NBC saying that they do not expect for a replacement to necessarily be named today."

The key here is that Porter's deputy (executive director) Billmon has more:
It seems Foggo's procurement duties were originally what made him such a welcome guest at Chez Wilkes. As director of the CIA's forward logistics office in Germany, he helped Wilkes (a boyhood buddy) get to first base with the agency, winning a $2-3 million contract to supply water and first aid kits to CIA agents in the field in Afghanistan and Iraq....The alleged amount of the contract under negotiation? Close to $300 million, I've heard.

How far down the um rabbit hole do we want to go on this one? "No where!" says the Traditional Media. "All day long!" says the lefty blogosphere. "[crickets]" says the rightwing blogospere.

The announcement on the resignation ought to be made today."

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