Sunday, January 09, 2005


Last night, after hours on hold, we finally got the airfare part of our Honeymoon taken care of. It was the one thing that my Fiancee had delegated to me and I nearly (and partially) blew it. Last week, I had contacted my parent's travel agent that arranged our Costa Rica trip last Christmas, but she told us on Friday that she couldn't find any flights to New Zealand or Europe via my frequent flyer miles.

So I called first on Saturday and got an incomp guy who disconnected us while checking on flights. So Christina talked the next time we got a hold of a real human. Maybe I am too vauge or something. The only choices left were Oslo or Edinburgh on the way in and Hamburg and Stockholm on the way out. So we chose Oslo to Hamburg. This way, we will start in Norway, go through Sweden, then Denmark and end in Germany.

I am already excited and we don't until June 19th. The only major bummer is how much time we have to spend in Newark for our layover. Sorry Garden Staters, but I hate New Jersey. After reserving our spots, we went to Barnes and Noble and got some good guide books from folks like Rick Steves' Scandinavia.

For lunch on Friday, I went to Cucina with my mom. After hanging out with her, going through all the lawyers in town I could harrass for a summer job, I think I caught her bug that has made her miserable since the Fiesta Bowl. Classes start tomorrow, wish me luck!

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