Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Buchannanities strike back

Kos points his readers to an ad by a group that calls Sens Kennedy and Kerry (and Pres. Carter) part of the "Blame America First" crowd (without even crediting Peggy Noonan, tisk tisk) and praises patriots Col. North, Pres. Reagan, and Sen. Lieberman. Of course, Kos and his crowd of Lieberman haters have another bow in their quiver over Lieberman being associated with extreme right groups.

But my favorite part of the ad is that it is for John Bolton, a known UN-hater and anti-diplomat. [Here's another example of Bush promoting some one who screwed up, in Bolton's case, see North Korea and their nuclear weapons program]

On an adjacent ad, this same group says that UN coddles terrorists and criminals, "Blames America First," and that we should get the UN out of the US. The group also claims that we spend the most money on the UN than any other country. While I don't know if that is true, we do have by far the largest economy and GDP of any country and many countries contribute much more than us percentage wise.

Don't get me wrong, there are tons of problems with the UN: corruption/cronyism, anti-Israeli sentiment, the Security Council that is frozen in 1945, their utter inability to get anything done outside of UNICIEF and making great acronyms...

There were some good ideas inside then-Senator Jessie Helm's UN reform package and some bad ones. But why should anyone take advice on a UN ambassador appointee from a group that despises the UN? The whole thing just makes no sense.

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