Thursday, April 14, 2005

even more SL co. corruption

An ex-employee blew the whistle on yet another scandal in Salt Lake County Government. When it rains it pours: "Besides the timecard questions [ex-employee who now works for the state Auditor claims there was a big scamming of the time cards], she also alleges widespread hiring abuses under Personnel Director Felix McGowan in which job standards often were lowered to employ friends and family members of county employees."

The Salt Lake Tribune found out a spot audit of timecards has begun.

Maybe this whistleblower just has a beef with McGowan, who isn't talking. She claims "McGowan knew of tuition abuses nearly 18 months ago, yet verbally threatened the employee to keep it quiet." If true, this not only looks bad, but sounds criminal to me.

LeAnne Sarver, the Auditor's chief payroll person said she brought up the pre-paid tuition issue to McGowan back in 1995. "I was told in no uncertain terms that that's the way it is and don't bring it up again," she said.

Sounds like this guy was up to his armpits in this scam. Maybe they should find how many times he wrote on the post-its, how many of his relatives/employees were "taking classes" and see how far down the rabbit hole this goes.

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